Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Homemade Kosher Beef Jerky

I grew up with one of my favorite snacks being beef jerky. Lucky for me I don't have the biggest sweet tooth. When it came to snacks, salty was the way to go. Some people on a low carb diet struggle with no sugary or chocolate foods. For meat, I need a salty snack.

Now, getting back into low carb eating, its time to make some homemade beef jerky. There are a few store bought brands of kosher jerky you can buy. But I've tried them and they really don't stand up with the homemade stuff.

To make homemade jerky, I bought a Nesco dehydrator beef jerky maker. I have tried different methods with fans, ovens, homemade contraptions and this dehydrator is by far the easiest, quickest, cleanest and best for making jerky, highly recommended. So pick up one of these and the rest of the process is really a flash. First thing is to get a nice big cut of beef. I have found that "top of rib" is the best cut because its doesn't have so much fat going through it. Fat ruins beef jerky because it doesn't dry and ends up rotting.

Slice up the meat into thin slices. Make sure to slice against the grain. For those that don't know what that means, there are strands of muscle in the meat. You want to make your slices so that the strands are made short. It just makes the meat easier to tear apart and chew without long strands of muscle.

Now for seasoning, you can really go wild. Whatever you like. I personally have gotten my recipe down pretty simple. I don't really have any measurements for you, so you just have to eyeball it. Salt, pepper, chili powder, garlic powder, coriander, and soy sauce to help mix everything around.

Set the dehydrator to the highest setting and within a few hours, your jerky will be ready. Some people like it harder or softer. Just make sure its not moist to the touch, its not ready then.

Snacks are one of the hardest things on keto. Having a pile of keto friendly jerky helps at night, between meals, and when traveling.

The only problem is that when I have beef jerky around, I end up being fleishig 100% of the time. It doesn't bother me that much. I was always more of a carnivore, but for some people it might be trouble.

Anyways, hope you enjoy your beef jerky. If you have any questions, leave comments below.

1 comment:

    Amazing new product needs to be blogged about (NO I do not make it :-) )

    Gourmet Beef Jerky Glatt kosher
    Awesome 4 flavors
    needs a review for sure

    better than anything else I have had more unique than other new products
